Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan (2024)

NEWS 2A DAILY PRESS ARGUS Tuesday, February 4, 2014 www. I ivingstonda i WEATHER The five-day National Weather Service forecast for Livingston County: Today Snowy High: 26 Low: 14 Wednesday Snowy High: 26 Low: 0 Thursday Partly cloudy High: 18 Low: -2 Friday Partly cloudy High: 18 Low: 0 Saturday Mostly cloudy High: 21 Low: 9 Market watch Feb. 3, 2014 Dow Jones industrials 15372.80 Nasdaq composite 3,996.96 Standard Poor's 500 1 741 89 Russell 2000 1,094.58 NYSE diary Advanced: 466 Declined: 2,673 Unchanged: 77 Volume: 4.6 Nasdaq diary Advanced: 362 Declined: 2,285 Unchanged: 85 Volume: 2.5 Pat Crouch, who will celebrate her 105th birthday Thursday, gets some advance birthday wishes from members of the staff at the WellBridge rehabilitation and nursing facility in Genoa Township, gillis benedictdaily press argus The Brighton woman said she's lived a good life and enjoys crossword puzzles and making cheesecake. She lived in her own apartment until about a week ago. LIVINGSTON COUNTY DAILY Press Argus Birthday Continued from Page 1A Clark, of Genoa Township, said the family planned to hold a party for her mother on her birthday, but they put it on hold until she recovers from her broken hip.

Crouch was born in 1909 in Azalia, a tiny town south of Ann Arbor. She was the youngest of five children. When she was 4, her father died of a heart attack, and her mother moved the family to Ypsi-lanti. She said Ypsilanti was a small town, and "everybody pretty much knew each other." She liked the community and graduated from Ypsilanti High School in 1926. She earned her teaching degree from what was then Michigan State Normal College, now Eastern Michigan University.

She stayed in Ypsilanti and taught physical education and worked as a counselor at Roosevelt High School. "I like the kids," she said of why she became a teacher. She met her husband when both were freshmen in college. They couple was married for 50 years; he died in 1980. They raised one AP A GANNETT COMPANY PUBLICATION NO.

USPS 316-500 ISSN 2150-5667 The Livingston County Daily Press Argus, published by Federated Publications, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gannett Co. 323 E. Grand River, Howell, Michigan, established in 1843, is published daily Sunday through Friday in Livingston County, Michigan, and serves the cities of Howell and Brighton, the villages of Fowlerville and Pinckney, and 16 unincorporated townships of Livingston County. Phone 548-2000, Area Code 517. Entered as periodical matter at the Howell, Michigan (48843) Post Office under Act of March 3, 1897.

Newsstand prices: 75 cents Monday thru Friday, $1.50 Sunday. DEATHS Crouch has four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. After she became a widow, she kept herself busy. She traveled to Australia, Thailand, Mexico and England. Crouch drove her car until she was 93.

She decided to stop on her own because she figured if she was in an accident, she would get blamed due to her age. Crouch follows the Tigers closely. When asked if the Tigers will go to the World Series this year, she's optimistic. "I hope so," she said. Contact Daily Press Argus reporter Jim Totten at 517-548-7088 or atjtotten

One Month Sunday Only $7.50 In-County, carrier delivery $13.50 Out of County, mail delivery $15.50 Out of State, mail delivery One Month Daily Sunday (6 days) $14 In-County, carrier delivery $26 Out of County, mail delivery $30 Out of State, mail delivery SundayHoliday subscriptions also include delivery on these days in 2014: 11, 526,74,91,1127,1225 Staff General Manager Executive Editor Susan Rosiek Asst. Features Editor Aria McPeek Sports Editor Tim Robinson Sports Reporter Brian Beaupied Sports Reporter Bill Khan Editorial Assistant Diane Timlick Retail Ad Manager John Utter Sales Consultant Leslie Beck Sales Consultant Louis Glubzinski Sales Consultant Dean Naudi Sales Consultant Mary Wheeler Managing Editor Mike Malott Night Editor Matt Smith Feature Editor Christopher Nagy Business Editor Mike Lammi Multimedia Editor Alan Ward Photographer Gillis Benedict Staff Reporter Jim Totten Staff Reporter Behnan Staff Reporter Lisa Roose-Church Staff Reporter Amanda Whitesell Staff Reporter Wayne Peal Mary E. Eastwood Mary E. Eastwood, 87, of Fowlerville died Feb. 2.

Niblack Funeral Home, Dillingham Liverance Chapel, 1005 E. Grand River Handy Township, 517-223-8656. Naomi E. Faulkner Naomi E. Faulkner, 87, of Howell died Feb.

1. MacDonald's Funeral Home, 315 N. Michigan Howell, 517-546-2800. Perry Lanier Perry Lanier died Jan. 31.

Borek Jennings Funeral Home, Lamb Chapel, 312 S. Michigan Howell, 517-546-0100. Tyler B. Springer Tyler B. Springer, 23, of Brighton died Jan.

30. MacDonald's Funeral Home, 315 N. Michigan Howell, 517-546-2800. Obituaries appear on page 4A. CITY OF HOWELL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that the Howell City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

at City Hall, Council Chambers, 611 Grand River Howell, Ml 48843 to consider amending and adding the following sections of the Howell City Zoning Ordinance: ARTICLE 10 Parking and Loading Section 10.02 (g) (1) General Provisions, Location of Parking, One and Two Family Dwellings Section 10.02 (g) (6) Standards for Additional Front Yard Driveways The proposed amendments would establish standards for allowing second driveways within the front yards of single family residences as a Special Land Use. Any questions may be directed to the City of Howell Community Development Department at 51 7-546-3861 Any written commentsconcerns, can be sent to the Howell City Planning Commission, 61 1 E. Grand River, Howell, Ml 48843 and should be received before February 1 9, 201 4. LOTTERY Monday's winning lottery numbers: Midday Daily 3: 2-0-2 Midday Daily 4: 1-5-3-5 Daily 3: 5-9-3 Daily 4: 6-5-4-6 Fantasy 5: 23-24-36-37-38 Keno: 2-8-11-12-19-23-24-29-33-34-35-36-42-43-50-51-52-55-60-61-67-75 For more information on the Michigan Lottery, visit www.michigan.govAottery. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Livingston County Daily Press Argus, 323 E.

Grand River, Howell, Ml 48843 BUSINESS OFFICE 517-548-2000 CIRCULATION OFFICE 888-840-4809 DISPLAY ADVERTISING 517-548-2000 EDITORIAL OFFICE 517-548-2000 WANT ADS 517-548-2570 HOW TO CONTACT US: To place a classified ad: 1-888-999-1288 To report news: 1-517-548-2000, then press the number 8 For home delivery problems: 1-888-840-4809 Persons interested are welcome to attend this meeting Community Development Dept. 517-546-3861 (2-04-2014 DAILY 177995) Check Pre Argus Brighton fair. snrt on deficit 'Pause' hit on jury ii wmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm by strategically 41 Uniled Wny triplets yoi -ar Uon tal to 6-4 with defeat at Pittsburgh Press Argus tj 1 1 1 1 r.ioridiiy 'WILL WL KVKk CITOVKH Howell weighs lawsuit appeal jjj connecting to the IDEAL customer We understand the marketplace and your business. We have the latest and time tested tools to build your brand to reach your debate keeps ig: Motorcycle riders, esses revel in choice higan Let us help you. goals.

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Livingston County Daily Press and Argus from Howell, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.