Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

1 to to ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1935 PAGE SIX Society. DANCES RECEPTION TRAD PARTIES ADDING Democratic Club Supper pot -luck supper for members and familtes and friends of the Women's Democratic Club will be served Thursday evening in the valley, at Rock Spring Park. A committee composed of Miss Fannie Ulrich, chairman, Mrs. Myrtic Butte, Mira. Julia Frenz and MrA.

Caroline Smith, wIll be hostesses and provide special entertainment for evening. "Plunge Party" for "Taxers" Announcement was made today by Mrs, George Cox, chuirman of the American Legion Poppy Day tag sale, that a picnic: and plunge party for those assisting In the annual tag will br: held Wednesday at Lindberg Park. Those desiring to attend are asked to meet o'clock at the Legion hall where transportation will be provided to the park. A basket lunch will be served at noon. Dinner for 8 and 40 Members of the 8 and 40, Madison County Salon, will be entertained this evening at dinner at the home of Mrs, A.

Mohr, 1215 Central avenue. Mrs. Harry Muhoney will be nssistant hostess. Dinner for Mrn. W.

L. C. Cotter Mra, John Barrett and Miss Franccs Cunningham were hostesses to A pretty dinner party Monday evening, entertaining al the McCurdy Room In honor of Mrs. W. L.

C. Cotter of San Mateo, Callf. Dinner, served at 6:30 o'clock, was followed by the playing of bridge. Two tables were occupied by the guests, and bridge prizes were presented to Mrs. Walter Morgenroth, Miss AlWeber, Mrs.

Leona Schmidt vena Cotter. The dinner -bridge was one of series of socinl events arranged for Mrs. Cotter during her stay in Al- -4- "Alarm Clock" Shower Mrs. William Newman of 3320 Belle street gave an "alarm clock" in honor Mrs. Virgil Selhime, shower Monday, night, entertaining whose marringe occurred recently.

Alarms clocka set at different hours were placed throughout the Newman home and garden, and as the evening progressed the alarm would "go off." At each peal of the bell Mrs. Belhimo would go in search of the olock, and near the time piece would a gift of a miscellaneous nature for use in her home. Between the "alarms" the guests, 12 in. number, pinyed bridge, and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Selhime, Mrs.

William Ogden, Hohnstedt and Mrs. Charles Fischer, who excelled. A delicious course repast was served late hour by Mrs. NewThe color scheme of the table appointments was pink and white, and miniature sprinkling cans were favors. Mrs.

Selhime, who will be remembered as Miss Mildred Nelder, Is being made the guest of honor at a series of post -nuptial parties. Dinner for Dr, Baler Dr. and Mrs. Augustus J. Baler of the Godfrey Road entertained with garden party Sunday evening in honor of Dr.

Baler's birthday, and dinner was served at 5:30 o'clock. Music was furnished by the Golden Banner orchestra, and Olga and Robert Elizomba, who just completed a two weeks' engagement at the Ambassador in St. Louis, entertained with a Spanish tango and two Russian dances. Fifty guests, including Mr. and Mrs.

P. J. Geary, Dr. and Willam Muoller und Dr. and Mrs.

J. Kettenger of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lincoln of St. Louts, attended the party.

Campers at Talahi The Misses Kathicen Walter, Mary Ellen Godwin, Mary Louise Armstrong, Jacqueline Harford, Dorothy Garrison, Lucille McCaskill, Elcanor Waggoner, Claire Marle Francis, Thelma Aldredge, Christine Heeren, Bue Ament, Margaret Miller. Ellen Hubba, Helen Hubbs, Patricia Watkins, and Naomi Bryant of Alton, Norma Phillips, Bethnito. Donna Marie Bergsehnelder and Betty Anu Bchierbaumn of Edwardsville. Jane Hughes and Barbara Pidgeon of St. River Helen Richards or Kane Louls, Bally, Ann Carstens of Wood ATe spending this week at Camp Talahi.

Shelton- Nuptials Mr, And Mrs. Grady Shelton, whose marriage occurred in Granite City Tuesday, have taken their realdence on Washington avenuo. Mr. Shelton 13 with the Illinois Clonners. The wedding took place nt the parsonage of the Sacred Heart Church, with the Rev.

M. Costello officiating. Charles Sparks, brother of the bride, and Mias Mary Gonibkota were the attendants, Mra. Shelton, who was before her marriage Miss Frances Sparks, 18 the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Sparks of Granite City, Unal recently she was employed in the Granite Oily Dental Laboratory. Outing At Clifton Terrace Employes of Blork's Cleaners, with their families and friends, had an outing at Olifton Terrace, Sunday, Twenty couples wore in Ance, and dinner was served. Traffio Club's Outing Approximately 500 members of the Traffic Club of at. Louis and Sheir families attended the annual summer outing of the organization loday at the Norwood Kills Country Club. A varied program: of sports will be followed by -dance.

Parley Party In East 84. Louis Past President Parley of Alton boon invited to attend a Parley party in East 8t. Louts but no date or the event set. Announcement of the date for the pary Is expected to be made at IN ny of the Parley, of Alton, to be seld the second Tuesday in August. the party will probably be hold in toptember, The Twain Meet In Ohio 5 and 10 10 East may be east and west may be west, but they can meet- and did, in a Columbus, dime store, of all places.

Honesty of Viola Brown, 20, shown above at work in the store, returning his lost pocketbook, won the admiration of K. M. James Lin, below, son of the president of the Chinese republic, starting the romance which an Ashland, justice says culminated In their marriage recently. Lin, howevre, denied that they will marry until he receives consent of his father, for which he says he has writ- Mrs.Kathryn Cobb Dies at Hospital; Rites Thursday Native of Keoknk. Resided Many Years In East Alton Mrs.

Kathryn Gray Cobb, wife of William Cobb, died at 7 p. Monday St. Joseph's Hospital. Long in failing Health, she had been serlously ill only since Friday. She WAS 72 years old.

Mrs. Cobb became sh Friday noon and the same evening was moved to the hospital after a definite change for the worse had been noted in her condition. Her condition was known to be serious from the beginning of lier Illness Friday and.a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Bush, who resides in Macomb, was summoned here. A native of Keokuk, Mrs.

Cobb had spent the greater part of her life in the East Alton and Sering Place neighborhoods. For the last 10 years 'she had made her home with a daughter, Mrs. Mary Boyle, Brookside and St. Louls road, Sering place. Mrs.

Cobb was a woman devoted to her home and family, and was possessed of a kindliness and gentleness that won her mony friends. Her only interest outside her home was bor Patrick's parish for many her church. Sho had been memyears. Born Nov. 25, 1863, in Keokuk, Mrs.

Cobb WAS a daughter of the late Patrick and Kathryn Gray. Besides her husband, three children, Mrs. Mary Boyle, Sering place; Mrs. Ruth Bush, Macomb, and Mark Cobb, Alton, survive. She also leaves a sister, Mrs.

Bessie Markley, Godfrey, and a brother, John Gray, Boston, eight grandchildren. Funcral rites are scheduled for 9 A. Thursday from the Streeper funeral home St. Patrick's Church. Burial will be in Greens wood cemetery, The body may be seen at the funeral home this ing and until time of the funeral.

Geis Residence in Milton Heights Robbed Robbery of the G. A. Gels restdence at 3418 Oakwood avenue, Milton Heights, in which a sum of money and some jewelry was taken w's reported today to Deputy SherIf Clarence Miller. Ho was informed that the burglary had curred during a few days absence of members of the family from me, and wa not discovered until Monday afternoon. peculiarity.

of the robbery, he sald, was that the Intruders had not left the home in disorder, having taken only some easily carried valuables, and for this reason the theft was not 1m- mediately discovered on return of the householders. Police received report at Monday evening that 8 dressing room at the Princess theater had been entered and some articles taken from clothing of theater taches. A pocketbook containing About $1, a flashlight, and a cigar. ette case were among items missing, Scaroy Challenges Governor CHICAGO, July 23 nor Henry Horner bad before today challenge of state sonator Earl Be Searcy to 25 debates on fiscal matters. Srarcy, Springfield Republican, made his challenge last night at Ohicago nicoting at which he opened his drive to obtain the a.

0: P. gubernatorial nomination Revelation for Evening Upper Alton News New Home On Tract Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kittinger of Rodgers avenue have started construction of a new home on a tract they have owned some years on that street. The tract 18 located several blocks north of their present home.

The new building is and under roof and will be.completed AS soon 8.8 possible after which the Kittinger family will occupy it. Recalls Grading In Former Years Grading of dirt streets in Upper Alton before there Was A pavesidewalks, or even A rock was recalled today by Bar Dailey. The city today WAS at work making An Improvement In front of the home of this Upper Alton nonagenerian in the grading of Merchant street. Bar Dailey served on the village board of Upper Alton more than 80 years ago, when the grading of a street was an important event and when the resident of such a street felt he was bring highly favored to have' "the town" grade his street. Mr.

Dailey wAs impressed with the contrast between the new city grader now in use and the grader of a half century ago drawn by horses. Home From Aruba Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Lowe and daughter have arrived in Upper Alton for an annual vacation visit. Lowe has been on the Island of Aruba, transferred there from the Shell plant where he formerly was employed.

The family will spend a month here. The former Alton man says he can stand on the front porch of his home and see South America. Back From Eastern Trip Harry Nevlin, transfer man, accompanied by his son, Junior, arrived yesterday afternoon from a trip to Charleston, W. where they delivered load of merchandise from An Alton plant and brought back a load to Alton. First Meeting Circle 1 No.

1 of Upper Alton Baptist church will meet Wednesday at 2:30 in the church parlors. Recently all the circles of the women's soclety were reorganized and meetings planned for tomorrow will be the first since the reorganization. Rites For Facultyman Professor George Stevenson of Shurtleff College, who had worked many years in the college with Prof. Elmer E. Tyner, this afternoon conducted brief funeral serfor his colleague at Streeper funeral home.

The service was at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Prof. Stevenson read several short passages of Scripture and offered prayer. Miss Ann Beckman of the Shurtleff department of music sang two selections, "The Spirit of God" and "Sometime We'll Understand." The funeral home chapel was filled to capacity when those desiring pay a tribute to the memory of Prof, Tyner had Assembled. Following the brief service in the funeral home, the body was taken to Oakwood cemetery for burial.

Pallbearers were Prof. E. E. List, Walter W. McDonald, Wood, A.

E. J. McPhillips, Jameson, and Frank Stobbs. and Mrs. Albert Manning, their son, Robert and daughters, Miss Virginia Manning and Mrs.

Carl Gould, of Anderson, and Oscar' Melton of Swazee, and Miss Martha Tyner of Huntington, attended the funeral. On Leave of Absence Mrs. Tacey Odel of Johnson City, an employe of Alton state hospitAl, is visiting Mrs. Florence Thomas at her home, 1514 Clawson street. Mrs.

Odel has served about 20 years in Illinois hospitals and last spring took six months' leave of absence for a rest. After a nervous breakdown last winter she was patient in the institution infirmary several weeks before taking of absence after which she returned to her home In Johnson City. Mrs. Odel is much improved and expects to resume her work at the Alton institution in September. Tinners and Carpenters on Job A force of tinners and carpenters was at work today making repairs on the Upper Alton Baptist church building.

These workmen expect to complete their job this week. Painting of the building will start after repairs are made. Light Line Pole Leans The tall pole on College avenue in front of the home of Dr. J. E.

Walton, struck by an automobile early Sunday morning, today was in a. leaning position. The pole WAS broken about three feet above the ground. A number of heavy electrio wires are carried on the TOW of poles on College avenue, Beaides supplying street lights and other power in this section, the line carries a portion of the power used at Alton State Hospital. Bay Gulld Is Unnamed Mrs.

Ids Wiseman, clerk of Milton Heights Baptist church, says at recent meeting of women included in the Anna of Ava guild the name. was voted out and at present the organization is known merely 85 "the guild" of Milton Baptist aburch. Officials See Grading Started party of city officiala visited Merchant street early this mornand witnessed the beginning of grading job. Merchant street is to block long. connoting north Ington of avenue the and Collage Main avenue street bustnoss houses.

Even though In bad condition for years the one block stases has been much used because of proximity to the business section. The grader completed the Job later in the day. Alderman Shane said an effort la being made to get a light to replace the one recently removed from the center of, the block on Merchant street. The Coffer -Miller Players left by Players Leave for Urbana yesterday 'for Urbana after a brief visit in Alton at the shedule or Mrs, Forense Raid. Their takes them to the West coast next month.

Lafayette Raid serving chauffour for the company. Family Moves To Florida Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laux left yesterday to drive make to their Florida home where at Fort Mayera, Recently Mr. they expect to and Florida and on PERSONAL Miss Kaufman Weds Miss Ruby Kaufmann, daughter of Mrs.

L. H. Kaufmann, became the bride of Clovis N. Cover, non of and Mrs. H.

A. Cover, of 2723. Salu street, at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The wedding took place the Kaufmann home, 4 West Delmar avenue, with the Rev. Guy; Hall, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, officiating.

Mrs. Kaufmann and Mra. Cover, mothers of Miss Kaufmann and Mr. Cover, were attendanta at the ceremony, which was witnessed by members of the immediate families. Miss Kaufmann was attired in an frock of white organant and wore a harmonizing shoulder corsage of pink gladioli and baby breath.

Mrs. Kaufman was in white and Mrs. Cover was attired in rose chitton. Both wore flowers, arranged in corsages, The living room, where the wedding took place, was decorated with pink and white flowers and ferns. and during, the ceremony the bridal party beneath wedding bells suspended from a chandeller, After the wedding a reception was held, and refreshments were served.

The dining room was also decorated in a color scheme of pink and white, and a miniature bride and groom ornamented the refreshments table. Mr. and Mrs. Cover went to housekeeping at 668 Highland avenue, Sunday night, Mr. Cover IS with the National Auto Parts Co.

Recital at State Hospital A progran) of readings, music, dances and playlets will be presented at State Hospital by Jupils from the Lancaster School of Expression, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Charles Wuellner, Louise Lock, Dorothy Corey, Betty Wuellner, Jean Melzger, Norma Penning, Robert Ten Hompel, Billy Harms, Joseph Wuellner, Joan Harrison, Imogene Hochstuhl, Corrine Brockmiere, Verlene Bowman, Mary Fleming, Nell Shine, Joan Tommy Fredeking, King, Ann Flem- Ing, Bettie Ann Greathouse will give readings. Gracie Palazzolo, Pauline Mitchell, Helen McManus, Dorothy Mitchell and W. A. Hardy will entertain with musical and dance numbers.

Juanita May Harris, Le Roy Fessler, Lois Nadine Renner, Robert Mann, Helen Wickenhauser, Bettie Wadlow, Lols Bauer, Imogene Hochstuhl, Jacqueline Walters, Pauline Mitchel, Marcella Kans, Dorothy Mitchell and Rose Mary Walters will present playlets. Hack-White Wedding Announcement is being made of the approaching marriage of Miss Nellle White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

White of Brighton, to Frank Hack, the son of Mrs. Lillian Hack of 2613 State street. The ceremony will take Saturday evening at the Evangelical parsonage on Eighth street, with the Rev. O. W.

Heggemeler officiating. Attendants for the young people will be Miss White's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. White.

Following the marriage the COllple will spend a week at Lake Killarney in the Ozarks, and upon their return to Alton will take up housekeeping. White was graduated from the Alton Senior High School and 18 a well-known young woman. Hack 15 A graduate of the University of Missouri. Wetterer -Schwab Wedding Walter Wetterer of Alton and Miss Frances Schwab of Brighton were married by Judge Thomas Parker, Saturday night. Mr.

Wetterer Is employed by the Shell Petroleum Corp. Mrs. Lillian McGuan Issued the marringe license to the couple. D. of U.

Party Wednesday Daughters of Union Veterans will give a pinochle and bunco party Wednesdny at 2 o'clock at the D. of U. V. Home. Church Events The Slate Street Chapel prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 will be led by Rev.

W. E. Darrow. Topic "Setting Up the Banner Toward Christ." Aid Society of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church will meet Wednesday at 2 o'clock. The women will not sew tomorrow.

Mrs. Mary Offer Rites Alton Monday relatives at Springfield attended the funeral Monday of Mrs. Mary Offer, In Springfield. Mrs. Offer, of Fred W.

Offer. WAS a -time resident of the North Side. Fuwere conducted at the residence, 102 Enst Scurritt street, Springfleld, with the Rev. W. L.

Nugel officiating. Mrs. Saturday after A iliness of more that followed A stroke, years suffered Jan. 2. never paralytle fully reguined her hewith after stroke the Mrs.

Offer was a and Mrs. daughter of Mr. would Ernest Bierbaum and Sept. 14. have been olghty years old daughters, are three sons and two Surviving sister.

all of Springlield; Mrs. Jacob Graul of burg. and A brother, Ernest baum of Alton. BierAmong those attending the noral from Alton was Mrs. Ida fuHappner, niece.

Y.W. Swimming Classes For Swimming Children classes to Open for children will Christian open at the Young Women's Association this month and will be under the direction of Miss Erna Bayless. A beginners class for children of eight and over will open tomorrow, and another for children of to 7 on Monday, July decided to make their home turning there. Mrs. Laux, with her daughter, Miss Verna, and son, Edward, has taken an apartment across the street from the homestead at Edwards and Clawson.

Circle To Meet Women of Circle No. 4 of Upper Alton Baptist Church will meet on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with -Mrs, Otto Gray at her horne, 3221 Kendall avenue. Carnival A Success The Dads' Club of Milton play. ground will meet this evening at the school. The dads said today the carnival of last week was a success and reports will be made more complete at this evening's meeting.

Observed Birthday Mrs, Robert Walker observed the seventy-second anniversary of her birth last Saturday at her home in the country Wood Station. Members of her family assembled at the home late in the day to make the anniversary an enjoyable event. Church Anniversary Dr. W. Wallis, pastor of First Baptist Church of Marion, will' be the speaker next Sunday afternoon at the observance of the seventh anniversary of Calvary Baptist Church.

A quartet from Metropolis will sing. The Calvary, Church anniversary observance be held in the grove on the E. B. Young farm on North Rodgers avenue. The Rev, Guy Hall, announced today that the morning service will be in the church as usual.

At the close of the service the congregation will leave for the grove where a dinner will be served. The program will be held during the afternoon when Dr. Wal11s: will speak. There will be no evening service. Kiwanis Hears Dr.

Rohrbough Dr. George Rohrbough, presldent of Monticello Seminary, WAS guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club meeting this noon the Mineral Springs hotel, choosing as his subject the relationship between Alton and Monticello. He stated that the prestige of Monticello was due to the outstanding alumni in Alton and through the middle West, and that they were responsible largely for keeping alive the Interest of the community in the school. Scholarship has been emphasized at Monticello standing in students' attracting outof leading families, persons who have been interested in proper development of the mind, and this would continue to be the policy, Rohrbaugh continued. The president told of the many ways in which the school was to be mad.

attractive to the student. The main endeavor, at all times, he promised, would be to keep the scholarship high. Chesterfield Man Hurt In Fall from Hay. Wagon CHESTERFIELD, July 23-(Special.) -Edward Challons suffered fracture of the Saturday when he fell from a load of hay. He was removed to the Macoupin Hospital.

Notes CHESTERFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. James McClain received word of the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. John Parker at her home in Lindoow, Calif. Mrs.

Parker formerly resided here. Mrs. J. G. Yahs entertained at a birthday dinner at her home Friday night, honoring Mrs.

F. A. Buchholz, Jeff Randolph and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Randolph of near Waverly were guests Sunday of Mrs.

Maggie Lee, Mra. Mae Costley returned Sunday to Granite City after several days' visit with her mother. Mrs. Blanch Peebles is visiting In Pana at the home of Mr. and Mrs Herman Williams.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jacoby, Mr.

and Mrs. Mann Robison of Hartford spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives. A birthday dinner was held Sunday for Charles Sanders, who celebrated his thirteenth birthday. Guests from Alton Included Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Curtiss, Miss Grace Naylor, Mrs. Emma Probst, Mrs. Fanny Sanders, and Mrs. Hilda Wastler, Oharles Trill, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Olin Trill cut one finger Saturday while at play near a binder. Miss Helen Jacoby of Hartford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Phelps. Mr.

and Mrs. Lawson Pointer and daughter Springfield were weekend Pointer. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mrs.

Martha Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Cook and family of Alton visited Richard Carney near Girard, Sunday. Carl Elliott is suffering from double fracture of the arm. injured in an automobile accident Sunday.

He entered Macoupin Hospital, Monday for treatment. Miss Nanoy Mrs. Leach accompanied Mr. and Henry Pressler of Carlinville to St. Louis, Sunday for visit with relatives.

defeated Chesterfield, 15 to Sunday, here. Doan Baby Buried In Oakwood Funeral old services for Patricia, Cemetery three Mrs. -year daughter of Lieut. and ducted L. Doan, were conthis afternoon at the ministration building of Military Academy by the Rev.

E. J. pastor Church. of the First Presbyterian Mrs. Wilma Thompson sang.

Burial was in Oak wood cemetery. Lieut. the: War was assigned by Department condemy instructor in military Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. Guaranteed Workmanship N. E.

MARY alby Street Phone 4567 Mrs. Walter Ringering 18 111 with scarlet fever at her home, in Eldorado, and mother, Mrs. Julia Matthey of 'Madison avenue, is attending her. Mrs. Ringering-18 a former Alton girl, Misa Irma Matthey, Mrs.

Johanna Watts of Wood River is entertaining her crocheting circle at "White Ribbon Rest," Chautauqua. Mrs. Grace Cobey and daughter, Peggy Lou, returned to Alton Monday from East St. Louis where they have been visiting for the past week with Mrs. Cobey's aunt.

Mrs. Cobey and daughter are residents of Baton Rouge, and have been visiting in Alton for some time with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiseman of 322 Broadway.

They will visit relatives and friends in Dallas and Austin, before returning to Baton Rouge where Cobey will resume her teaching, at the State School for in the fall. Mrs. John R. Andrew left Sunday for her home in Pensacola, aft- A New and smart are vaporous evening wraps that do not hide 8 single detail of the dresses over which they are worn, This one, in black tulle, is appliqued with white and green flowers to match the printed motif of the Mainbocher gown. Miss Lulu Chism, Teacher of Blind, Dies at Hospital Had Been on Staff of Jacksonville School 40 Years and A life of devoted the to blind the Instruction care younger girls at the school, Surviving In addition to her ter, Is brother, Frank Chism Hartford.

Funeral rites will be conducted Thursday at 2 p. at Wood River Methodist Church. Burial will in Godfrey cemetery, The body may be seen Wednesday morning at the Raines residence. Monday evening when Miss Lulu Chism, 68, died in St. Joseph's Hospital.

For 40 years Miss Chism had been a teacher in the state tion for the blind at Jacksonville. Sho was a sister of C. W. Raines, 165 Seventh street, Wood River, and her summer vacations for many years had been spent at the Raines home. At the close of the school in the spring, Miss Chism came to Wood River, As had been her custom In former years to spend the summer.

She WAS stricken Ill unexpectedly Saturday morning and Monday afternoon was brought to the hospital here for treatment. In the school for the blind, Miss Chism had given untiringly of her strength and to her pupils. After having chosen as her vocation the teaching of the blind, Miss Chism spent the remainder of her life in that work. She was born in the High Street neighborhood, near White Hall. In addition to teaching she was supervisor of Chrysler Relinquishes Presidency NEW YORK, July 23 (A)-Walter P.

Chrysler, who has held offices of chairman of the board and president of Chrysler Corp. since it was organized in 1925, has relinquished the latter position and the board has appointed K. T. Keller, formerly vice president and general manager, to fill the it was announced today. Chrysler vacancy will continue as chairman.

The changes were proposed Chrysler at a meeting of the board late, yesterday, ament Offices Service of the Federal Re-employAttend Conference, here will be closed district Wednesday manager, while James Kugler, tend conference at Pinckneyville and his staff of the the re-employment with J. W. Bergthold, state director service, on Works services relationship to the Progress Administration's the conference. will preside over program. Kugler has The famous Goldman played band Just New York.

its Edwin concert in conductor, never Franko has missed Goldman, concert in all that ime. LOTTO 75 By Mrs. Nelson, tonight, prizes. Everybody welcome July 23. NEWS TRAVELS FAST 6000 PICTURES ARE Made At Over RISSI STUDIO Newberry's- Phone 2332R BIG ONE CENT SHOE SALE PAIRS FOR Te MORE! Now Going On WESTERN SIS LAST SHOE STORES Rev.

John Crosson, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, returned last week from, a stay at New Bedford, Mass, Miss Tilton Wead. of 1122 Stall street, librarian at Monticello College, plans to take up her residence at Monticello in the fall. Miss H. P.

Stafford, who left for Ohicago earlier in the summer, 1s studying at De Paul University, Miss Stafford 18 taking two courses required towards her degree. Mrs. Frieda Gradi will leave Thursday to spend a 10-day tion in Colorado, at and Colorado Springs. Mrs. Carmen Carter, of Wood River, and Mrs.

Vera Carter, of Chicago, will leave the last of the week for a vacation trip through the East and Canada, Mrs. Carter, of Wood River, will go to Ohicago Fri. day morning to meet Mrs. Vera Carter who holds a position in that city and who is to start her vacation. Mrs.

Calvin Lawrence of Tulsa, 15 visiting her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pleper, of Sanford avenue. Mrs.

H. A. Patterson and daughter, Miss Dorothy Babco*ck, of Ventura, are spending the sumwith Mrs. Patterson's mother, Mrs. Sarah Wigger, on Holland avenue.

They. made the trip by automobile, Miss Babco*ck has Just returned from Davenport, where she visited for some time, Mrs. Joseph Youngblood of Be. thalto is improving after an illness with malaria. During her Hiness Mrs.

Youngblod WAS taken CAre by Mrs. Anna Rosenthal. E. T. Kerwin of 334 Dry street 1.

returned from the White House, near St. Louis, where he attended a retreat over the Mr. and Mrs. Horace Calame and their son Dixie returned today to their home in Chicago after visiting In Alton with friends and relatives. They returned Saturday from Kansas City, where they visited A week with Mrs.

Calame's mother, Mrs. Susie Snider. Mrs. Mildred Zerwas and her son, Jack, are spending a week at Chautauqua. Mrs.

Zerwas 1s an employe of Miller's Mutual Insurance Co. er an extended visit with mother, Mrs. R. Leavitt, of Henry street. Mrs.

William Wood, and Mrs. Ida Lessner returned Sunday morning from A month's western trip, visiting Seattle, Salt Lake, Denver, Yellowstone Park and othplaces of interest. While in Seattle they were guests of Mrs: Wood's sister, Mrs. Vernon Wilson. Mr.

a and Mrs. Benjamin Hellrung and family of 831 Washington avenue have returned from a two week's trip through the east. They visited Mount Vernon, Washington, D. New York, Cape Cod and Atlantic City. On their return trip they were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Nachand, formerly of Alton, in Detrolt, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmittling spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Barney Schlueter in Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Al. J.

Lucker and family departed Sunday on a twoweeks' vacation trip, planning to visit Denver, Colorado Springs and Sterling, Colo. Dwiggins and Vincent Mullen spent the -end in St. Louis. Miss Patricia Ryan and Miss Louise Netzhammer will depart Wednesday to spend a few weeks at the home of Miss Netzhammer's aunt, Mrs. Wm.

Ostner at Atlantic Beach, Fla. They will be home by Billy Netzhammer, who has been with his aunt since early summer. Billy and Miss Netzhammer are son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Netzhammer of West Bluff street, and Mrs.

Ostner 1s Mrs. Netzhammer's sister. Miss Ella Hauck is spending two weeks in the east, and was at Plainfeld, N. over the week-end. Youth Loses Arm in Automobile Collision and Mrs.

Arthur a Hays, East Mr. Arthur Lee Hays, 18, son of Broadway, was seriously injured Friday night when a truck and the car which he was driving collided three miles north of Arenzville, Ill. His left arm was crushed, forcing amputation at the elbow, and he received cuts and bruises about the head. With Hays were Leroy Sheff, son of Mrs. Elery Sheff, 438 East Thirand teenth street, Miss Marion Young Miss Vivian Gaynor, both of Beardstown.

They escaped with minor cuts and bruises. Hays has been a member of the He CCC camp at Rushville since April. school, WAS A student at Alton High and for three years WAS a Club. caddy at His the Rock Spring Country parents returned this morning where from Jefferson Barracks, he is a patient in the army hospital. China is becoming an increasingly important market for American medicinals.

The larger cities are well supplied with trained native educated physicians, most of whom have been in the United States. EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY CROQUIGNOLE Wave Permanent .50 Any style SHAMPOO And Wave 1 Finger 25c Open 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.

-PHONE 148- Free Auto Transportation Alton Beauly Shop Mrs. Mahan on Way to Prison. TACOMA, July 23, (AP)The girl the government convicted of kidnaping George Weyerhaeuser, 9, was on speeding across the country today a journey which will end at the federal women's prison at Milan, Mich. Mrs. Margaret Thulln Waley, the custody of United States Marshal A.

Chitty and Mrs. Chitty, left here last night aboard the Great Northern Empire Bullder train for the prison to which she has been sentenced for 20 years. Boy Bitten by Dog. Paul Shortal of 1017 Eliott avenue reported to the police Monday evening bitten that his son, aged 7, had by a dog. A patrolman WAS sent to investigate the case, and reported that he had traced dered that the animal and ora ownership of it be kept restrained.

Trixy Summer Gauze Girdles HEALTH BELTS and CORSELETTES Alterations and Fitting FREE REPRESENTATIVES: MR8. ALICE MAXFIELD, Cohen's 218 Piasa Phone 1385-W MRS. FRED HABERER 200 Mounier, Phone 2259-J MRS. M. H.

LeMASTER 2023 Watalee, Phone 1683-R AND Our Modern Equipment Our modern equipment reveal the highest standards of our profession. Faithfulness to duties characterizes the pleteness of our supreme efforts to serve. Every desirable feature is prevalent here. HIGHEST STANDARDS MODERATE COST BAUER 4 HOEHN Private When it's STANDARD RED CROWN You BREEZE UP hills! It's the Superfuel with Still More LIVE POWER for 1935.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.